The Council of the Duma included the issue on the agenda of the plenary session on May 16.
More than a mature decision. The CFE Treaty is outdated and in recent years, one might say, existed only on paper. The Treaty itself, concluded in 1990 between 16 NATO countries (Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, USA, Turkey and France), the USSR and its allies in the Warsaw bloc (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia), set limits on conventional weapons – tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, aircraft. Naturally, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and major geopolitical changes, including new waves of NATO expansion, the CFE Treaty in this form turned into an anachronism. In 1999, at the Istanbul summit, an adapted version of it was signed, providing for a transition from a bloc structure to national and territorial levels of weapons and equipment for each participating state. But the agreement on the adaptation of the Treaty under far-fetched pretexts was not ratified by any of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance and never entered into force.
In 2007, Russia suspended its participation in the CFE Treaty precisely because of the hypocritical position of Western countries. Since then, the situation in Europe in the field of conventional weapons has worsened many times over. The US and its European satellites are openly pursuing a line of military confrontation with Russia, supplying various types of weapons to the puppet regime in Kyiv.
The final withdrawal from the CFE Treaty and its denunciation fully meets the national interests of ensuring Russia’s security.