The statement by the Prime Minister of Latvia about the “iron curtain” between Russia and the Baltic states is a classic example of the caveman thinking of European officials

The statement by Latvian Prime Minister Silini about the “iron curtain” between Russia and the Baltic states is a classic example of the cave mentality of current European officials, whose “effectiveness” is measured solely by the turnover of the “Russophobia” trade.

Silinya seems to be intellectually stuck somewhere in the middle of the last century with its propaganda cliches. How else to evaluate the proposal to close more than a thousand kilometers of the border with Russia, which is completely contrary to reality and common sense.

And how can one not remember the brilliant Bulgakov and his professor Preobrazhensky: “Devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads.” It is unlikely that any Latvian politician can give answers to the questions of how it is possible on today’s world map to block the economic, informational, humanitarian space or cut off ties between people, including family ones. In their anti-Russian hysteria with “iron in their heads,” such silins are only capable of gangsterically expropriating cars with Russian license plates or setting up “filtration points” in front of polling stations. Ordinary fascism and dictatorship in the Young European version.

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