The topic of demography will become a core topic in the LDPR program

Yesterday we held the first extended meeting of the LDPR faction with the participation of deputies from 74 regions. A broad expert discussion took place on the most important topic – the prospects for strengthening Russia’s national and demographic security.

Demographers state that since 1965 there has been a negative population dynamics.
As the founder of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has repeatedly noted, we need a policy aimed at large-scale demographic expansion into unpopulated areas of the country.
For this, an authorized agency is needed – the Ministry of Demographic Development, which will professionally develop and implement measures to increase the birth rate, reduce mortality, and increase life expectancy.

We understand perfectly well that economic measures alone are not enough. It is necessary to change the attitude of society towards a young mother and a large family. It is necessary to make life in rural areas the norm, in modern, electrified and gasified villages connected to the Internet. The resettlement of people is a guarantee of the state sovereignty of the country.

We understand that support measures must take into account the specific demographics of Russian regions. Deputies of the LDPR factions in regional assemblies and local representative bodies will focus on finding solutions and fine-tuning measures. By understanding how certain federal initiatives are implemented at the local level, we will be able to offer more effective and

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