Today, a monument was unveiled at the grave of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

He left us a year ago, but his memory is alive and will live forever. Death is powerless before the greatness of the outstanding Russian politician. Thoughts, ideas, forecasts and prophecies of Vladimir Volfovich continue to live, striking with depth and accuracy. This precious legacy left to Russia and the world, we must carefully preserve.

The Liberal Democratic Party decided to create a research institute at the University of World Civilizations to study the legacy of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. All his scientific works, speeches, letters, comments will be digitized. With the help of artificial intelligence, we are creating the world’s first Zhirinovsky political algorithm. Leading domestic specialists will be involved in the development.

The neural network will have access to information about what is happening in the world – about what Vladimir Volfovich foresaw. We are convinced that the assessments and forecasts formulated by the Zhirinovsky algorithm will contribute to the successful development of the future of Russia. And the whole world.

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