Today, workers and veterans of the construction complex celebrate their professional holiday

The work of a builder has always been respected. It is the achievements of the builders that remain traces of civilization for centuries. On the shoulders of the industry are the most powerful tasks of the socio-economic development of Russia: providing people with comfortable housing, developing infrastructure, and building socially significant facilities.

Thousands of houses were commissioned this year alone. Thanks to the work of builders, our cities and villages are being transformed, taking on a modern look, while acquiring their own “zest”.

The Liberal Democratic Party is doing a lot for the development of the construction industry in Russia. In particular, we offer a whole range of measures to support young and large families for their purchase of housing, including state subsidies for mortgage loans. We are also developing a program of mass construction of affordable individual housing. These and our other undertakings will ensure the development of the industry both in the medium and strategic perspectives.

Dear workers and veterans of the construction complex, I sincerely wish you happiness, health and love!

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