US continues blatant blackmailing of Serbia to destroy friendly ties with Russia

During his visit to Belgrade U.S. State Department adviser Derek Schollet called on the Serbian authorities to impose sanctions against Moscow, without this the country, according to him, will not be able to develop.

The cynicism is outrageous. The American diplomat is trying to force Serbia, whose capital was bombed by NATO bombers almost a quarter of a century ago, for the sake of its alleged “development” to break the time-tested partnership. And follow the path of other European countries, which are now thrown back years due to the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions. Washington, in order to increase pressure on Moscow solely for its own purposes, continues to twist the arms of those whom it calls allies.

I am sure that the Serbs remember the past well and are able to analyze the present in order to understand who is a friend and who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. To succumb to such persuasion is to take a step towards the loss of sovereignty and, in fact, joining a large American colony in Europe.

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