VEF-24 in Vladivostok became a record-breaking event: 7 thousand participants, 75 countries, including 16 unfriendly ones

Well, gentlemen “democratizers” from the Far West, have you managed to isolate Russia? No, rather, you shot yourself in the foot.

This is exactly what Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his speech. The Russian economy is developing even under sanctions and has already outpaced Germany and Japan in terms of purchasing power parity. Settlements in national currencies with trading partners from the BRICS countries are growing, displacing dollars and euros. And all this is a consequence of the “not very smart” steps of Western adherents of Russophobia.

Russia – and Putin also said this – has been building an infrastructure of economic interaction with the West for many years. However, now the same West, in a schizophrenic impulse, has abandoned transit and pipelines to its own detriment. It is not we who are “burning bridges.” But the turn to the East is now becoming a strategic vector, and the development of the Russian Far East is a priority area of ​​state policy.

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