Western media saw only “threats” in Vladimir Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly

They say that the President of Russia issued an ominous warning about the possibility of nuclear war and promised to defeat NATO if Alliance troops entered the Ukrainian conflict zone.

It’s good that they listened to Vladimir Putin. It’s bad that we didn’t hear the main thing. The foreign policy part of the Address of the President of Russia is, in fact, a direct guide to preserving the peaceful architecture of the 21st century. The most important appeal to all sensible politicians, I think, was the statement about Russia’s readiness for a substantive conversation on the formation of a new contour of indivisible security in Eurasia in the foreseeable future.

The United States and its satellites, in the struggle for their own hegemony, have actually collapsed the security system in Europe, creating the risk of global confrontation and a new arms race. The President spoke directly about Washington’s hypocrisy and demagoguery in matters of strategic stability, the cynical tricks of the American administration to draw Russia into the negotiation process, while declaring his goal “the strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.” The collective West, blinded by Russophobia, continues to push the world to the brink of World War III. The consequences could be tragic for the entire planet.

Today, sensible forces must listen to Russia. On the parliamentary level, we are ready to join a constructive dialogue on security issues in Eurasia and beyond. These are tasks of civilizational importance.

As the President said, we did not start the war, but we will end it by solving all the tasks of the Northern Military District in Ukraine. Without a strong and sovereign Russia, which independently determines its path of development, no lasting and, most importantly, safe world order is possible. And the collective West had better learn this well!

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