Zelensky decided to mark the 10th anniversary of the bloody coup in Ukraine with an “epic” interview with the British tabloid The Sun

Zelensky decided to mark the 10th anniversary of the bloody coup in Ukraine with an “epic” interview with the British tabloid The Sun, where he again spoke about “Moscow’s plans” for Maidan-3 and the refusal to negotiate peace.

The Ukroführer, they say, does not need peace “at any cost.” “Europe” was needed “at any cost”. And what’s the result? The country is bankrupt, sold at auction for an anti-Russian springboard, sovereignty has been lost, there is a war going on, which Zelensky is forbidden to complete by Western puppeteers. The same ones that ten years ago were handing out cookies on the Maidan under the slogans of “freedom.” “Freedom” – according to Orwell – at the cost of slavery and betrayal of one’s own history.

At the same time, the West, as the Pentagon chief said, is not ready to give a “magic wand” to end the conflict in Ukraine, and resources are running out. That’s why the Bidens and Austins are demanding more and more blood. And Zelensky, it seems, is ready, to please them, to send yesterday’s schoolchildren, old people, and women to slaughter, thereby completely destroying his people, the gene pool, depriving millions of fellow citizens of the future. And all for the sake of maintaining personal power.

Let us repeat once again about coups d’etat and fairy tales about Maidan-3: Russia does not do this. But, apparently, the wave of popular discontent towards Bankova is getting closer and closer. And, as soon as it turns into a storm of anger, the Maidan of ten years ago will seem like a light breeze to Zelensky and Co.

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