For almost a year now, our Founder, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has been gone

Vladimir Volfovich was a deputy of all 8 convocations of the State Duma. His term lasted from January 11, 1994 to May 17, 2022 – 10,353 days. The founder of the Liberal Democratic Party forever inscribed his name in the history of modern Russia.

The head of the LDPR faction, Leonid Slutsky, about Vladimir Zhirinovsky:

“This is a politician who wrote his name in golden letters in the history of the Russian world and Russian civilization. A man who devoted himself entirely to serving people, serving Russia. The phenomenon of Zhirinovsky as a personality, as a politician, will be studied for a very long time.”

Today in the State Duma the exhibition “Zhirinovsky forever!”, which will be open until the end of the week, began its work. We are sharing with you several photos that are now presented on Okhotny Ryad.

1-2. Perestroika and the period of the 1990s were the hardest times for the country. Vladimir Volfovich repeated many times that he would have exchanged fame and success for the preservation of the country in 1991.

3-4. Once a politician was asked: “What will you say when you stand before God?” To which Vladimir Volfovich replied: “I did everything I could. Send me back, I will continue the fight, help the poor, help all those who suffer, fight what prevents us from living. I don’t want to lie here in the Garden of Eden. I’d rather go somewhere in the taiga half-starved, but help people.”

5. “It’s time to return Crimea,” Zhirinovsky said quietly. Of course, we cannot know on the basis of what the head of state made the decision. But we are sure that Zhirinovsky was one of the few who supported the president’s decisive intentions.

6. “I dream that Russian soldiers will wash their feet with the warm water of the Indian Ocean and switch to summer uniform forever.” Geopolitics has always been the main professional interest of the Founder of the Liberal Democratic Party. Zhirinovsky spoke Turkish, understood Arabic and knew Islamic culture well.

7. “I am who I am. That’s my beauty.”

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