Russia suspended its participation in the OSCE PA

The State Duma and the Federation Council adopted a corresponding statement simultaneously and unanimously.

In essence: the OSCE PA, through the efforts of the Western minority, has turned into a Russophobic booth. Issues of security and cooperation on the European continent have fallen far into the background. Instead of constructive interaction, anti-Russian hysteria was consistently whipped up in the spirit of double standards.

Moreover, Russian deputies and senators were repeatedly subjected to visa discrimination and were denied the right to enter the territory of participating countries to participate in Assembly sessions. This happened in Great Britain, Poland and – the last significant case – in Romania. The Russian delegation was actually deprived of the right to vote. We have also repeatedly encountered attacks and outright rudeness at Assembly meetings.

In such conditions, the possibilities for dialogue have been exhausted. We declare the suspension of our work and the payment of all contributions to the OSCE PA. During this period, any actions in the Assembly against Russia will be considered legally void.

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